토지코드(PNU)는 19자리의 숫자로 구성되어 있으며 각각의 의미는 다음과 같습니다.
- 시도(2)+시군구(3)+읍면동(3)+리(2)+토지구분1(1)+본번(4)+부번(4)
- 2720010200106040023(대구광역시 남구 봉덕동 604-23 번지)
지번(JIBUN)은 본번-부번 지목(551-27 대)으로 구성됩니다.
ArcGIS 9.4버전부터는 VBA를 버리고 Python으로 대체한다고 들었습니다만, 현재까지는 가장 유용하게 사용할 수 있는 도구가 VBA입니다.
여기에서는 ArcMap에 지적도(편집/연속지적)를 추가한 후 행정코드(DONG_CODE, 10자리), 산구분(SAN, 1자리), 번지(BONBUN, 4자리), 호(BUBN, 4자리), 지목(JIMOK, 2자리), 필지중심점X(CX, Double), 필지중심점Y(CY, Double) 필드를 추가한 후 각 속성을 계산하는 스크립트입니다.
피쳐 유형은 폴리곤/포인트 모두 사용 가능합니다.
▣ 전제사항
- ArcMap에 지적도 레이어가 추가되어 있고 이름은 "지적도"일것
- 지적도에는 19자리의 PNU와 지번(마지막은 지목) 필드를 포함할 것
- 레이어는 Shapefile, Personal GDB(mdb), File GDB일것
- 스크립트 실행 조건은 편집 상태가 아닐것(Update Cursor를 사용하기 때문임)
▣ 메인 코드
[code vb]
Option Explicit
Private m_ipMap As IMap
' title : 지적도 지번 및 지목 추출
Public Sub SplitParcelAttriute()
Dim ipDoc As IMxDocument
Set ipDoc = ThisDocument
Set m_ipMap = ipDoc.FocusMap
Dim ipFeatureLayer As IFeatureLayer
Dim ipFeatureClass As IFeatureClass
Set ipFeatureLayer = GetFeatureLayer(m_ipMap, "지적도")
If (ipFeatureLayer Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "레이어가 없습니다.확인 바랍니다."
Exit Sub
End If
Set ipFeatureClass = ipFeatureLayer.FeatureClass
Dim idxPnu As Long, idxJibun As Long
idxPnu = ipFeatureClass.FindField("PNU")
idxJibun = ipFeatureClass.FindField("JIBUN")
If (idxPnu = -1 Or idxJibun = -1) Then
MsgBox "PNU 또는 JIBUN 필드가 없습니다.확인 바랍니다."
Exit Sub
End If
'1. 필드 확인 및 추가 : 필드가 없으면 추가함
AddField ipFeatureClass, "DONG_CODE", esriFieldTypeString, 10, "동코드"
AddField ipFeatureClass, "SAN", esriFieldTypeString, 1, "산구분"
AddField ipFeatureClass, "BONBUN", esriFieldTypeString, 4, "번지"
AddField ipFeatureClass, "BUBUN", esriFieldTypeString, 4, "호"
AddField ipFeatureClass, "JIMOK", esriFieldTypeString, 2, "지목"
AddField ipFeatureClass, "CX", esriFieldTypeDouble, 38, "X좌표"
AddField ipFeatureClass, "CY", esriFieldTypeDouble, 38, "Y좌표"
'2. 계산
Dim totalCnt As Long, step As Long
Dim ipCursor As IFeatureCursor, ipFeature As IFeature
Dim ipSourceGeom As IGeometry, ipRelOpt As IRelationalOperator
Dim ipArea As iArea, ipCenterPt As IPoint
totalCnt = ipFeatureClass.FeatureCount(Nothing)
Set ipCursor = ipFeatureClass.Update(Nothing, False)
Set ipFeature = ipCursor.NextFeature
Do Until ipFeature Is Nothing
Application.StatusBar.Message(0) = step & " / " & totalCnt & " calculated..."
step = step + 1
Set ipSourceGeom = ipFeature.ShapeCopy
If (ipSourceGeom.GeometryType = esriGeometryPoint) Then
Set ipCenterPt = ipSourceGeom
Set ipArea = ipSourceGeom
Set ipRelOpt = ipSourceGeom
'폴리곤일 경우 무게중심점(Centroid)이 폴리곤 내부에 포함되지 않을
'경우가 있으며 이에 대한 처리가 필요합니다. 다음 코드는 폴리곤
'내부에 포함되지 않을 경우 라벨포인트를 취합니다.
Set ipCenterPt = ipArea.Centroid
If (ipRelOpt.Contains(ipCenterPt) = False) Then
Set ipCenterPt = ipArea.LabelPoint
End If
End If
'정보 추출
Dim sPnu As String, sJibun As String
Dim dongCode As String, sSan As String, sBunji As String, sHo As String, sJimok As String
sPnu = ipFeature.Value(idxPnu)
sJibun = ipFeature.Value(idxJibun)
dongCode = Left(sPnu, 10)
sSan = Mid(sPnu, 11, 1)
sBunji = Mid(sPnu, 12, 4)
sHo = Right(sPnu, 4)
sJimok = Right(sJibun, 1)
'만약 번지 및 호의 값을 0034 --> 34로 변경하고 싶을 경우
sBunji = CStr(CLng(sBunji))
sHo = CStr(CLng(sHo))
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("DONG_CODE")) = dongCode
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("SAN")) = sSan
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("BONBUN")) = sBunji
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("BUBUN")) = sHo
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("JIMOK")) = sJimok
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("CX")) = ipCenterPt.X
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("CY")) = ipCenterPt.Y
ipCursor.UpdateFeature ipFeature
Set ipFeature = ipCursor.NextFeature
MsgBox "계산을 완료하였습니다 !"
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private m_ipMap As IMap
' title : 지적도 지번 및 지목 추출
Public Sub SplitParcelAttriute()
Dim ipDoc As IMxDocument
Set ipDoc = ThisDocument
Set m_ipMap = ipDoc.FocusMap
Dim ipFeatureLayer As IFeatureLayer
Dim ipFeatureClass As IFeatureClass
Set ipFeatureLayer = GetFeatureLayer(m_ipMap, "지적도")
If (ipFeatureLayer Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "레이어가 없습니다.확인 바랍니다."
Exit Sub
End If
Set ipFeatureClass = ipFeatureLayer.FeatureClass
Dim idxPnu As Long, idxJibun As Long
idxPnu = ipFeatureClass.FindField("PNU")
idxJibun = ipFeatureClass.FindField("JIBUN")
If (idxPnu = -1 Or idxJibun = -1) Then
MsgBox "PNU 또는 JIBUN 필드가 없습니다.확인 바랍니다."
Exit Sub
End If
'1. 필드 확인 및 추가 : 필드가 없으면 추가함
AddField ipFeatureClass, "DONG_CODE", esriFieldTypeString, 10, "동코드"
AddField ipFeatureClass, "SAN", esriFieldTypeString, 1, "산구분"
AddField ipFeatureClass, "BONBUN", esriFieldTypeString, 4, "번지"
AddField ipFeatureClass, "BUBUN", esriFieldTypeString, 4, "호"
AddField ipFeatureClass, "JIMOK", esriFieldTypeString, 2, "지목"
AddField ipFeatureClass, "CX", esriFieldTypeDouble, 38, "X좌표"
AddField ipFeatureClass, "CY", esriFieldTypeDouble, 38, "Y좌표"
'2. 계산
Dim totalCnt As Long, step As Long
Dim ipCursor As IFeatureCursor, ipFeature As IFeature
Dim ipSourceGeom As IGeometry, ipRelOpt As IRelationalOperator
Dim ipArea As iArea, ipCenterPt As IPoint
totalCnt = ipFeatureClass.FeatureCount(Nothing)
Set ipCursor = ipFeatureClass.Update(Nothing, False)
Set ipFeature = ipCursor.NextFeature
Do Until ipFeature Is Nothing
Application.StatusBar.Message(0) = step & " / " & totalCnt & " calculated..."
step = step + 1
Set ipSourceGeom = ipFeature.ShapeCopy
If (ipSourceGeom.GeometryType = esriGeometryPoint) Then
Set ipCenterPt = ipSourceGeom
Set ipArea = ipSourceGeom
Set ipRelOpt = ipSourceGeom
'폴리곤일 경우 무게중심점(Centroid)이 폴리곤 내부에 포함되지 않을
'경우가 있으며 이에 대한 처리가 필요합니다. 다음 코드는 폴리곤
'내부에 포함되지 않을 경우 라벨포인트를 취합니다.
Set ipCenterPt = ipArea.Centroid
If (ipRelOpt.Contains(ipCenterPt) = False) Then
Set ipCenterPt = ipArea.LabelPoint
End If
End If
'정보 추출
Dim sPnu As String, sJibun As String
Dim dongCode As String, sSan As String, sBunji As String, sHo As String, sJimok As String
sPnu = ipFeature.Value(idxPnu)
sJibun = ipFeature.Value(idxJibun)
dongCode = Left(sPnu, 10)
sSan = Mid(sPnu, 11, 1)
sBunji = Mid(sPnu, 12, 4)
sHo = Right(sPnu, 4)
sJimok = Right(sJibun, 1)
'만약 번지 및 호의 값을 0034 --> 34로 변경하고 싶을 경우
sBunji = CStr(CLng(sBunji))
sHo = CStr(CLng(sHo))
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("DONG_CODE")) = dongCode
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("SAN")) = sSan
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("BONBUN")) = sBunji
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("BUBUN")) = sHo
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("JIMOK")) = sJimok
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("CX")) = ipCenterPt.X
ipFeature.Value(ipFeatureClass.FindField("CY")) = ipCenterPt.Y
ipCursor.UpdateFeature ipFeature
Set ipFeature = ipCursor.NextFeature
MsgBox "계산을 완료하였습니다 !"
End Sub
▣ IMap으로부터 FeatureLayer를 얻는 함수
[code vb]
'+++ Get FeatureLayer
Private Function GetFeatureLayer(ipMap As IMap, layerName As String) As IFeatureLayer
Dim ipEnumLayer As IEnumLayer
Dim ipLayer As ILayer
Dim pUid As New UID
On Error GoTo ErrHand
If ipMap.LayerCount = 0 Then Exit Function
'{E156D7E5-22AF-11D3-9F99-00C04F6BC78E} IGeoFeatureLayer
pUid = "{E156D7E5-22AF-11D3-9F99-00C04F6BC78E}"
Set ipEnumLayer = ipMap.Layers(pUid, True)
Set ipLayer = ipEnumLayer.Next
Do Until ipLayer Is Nothing
If ipLayer.Valid Then
If UCase(ipLayer.Name) = UCase(layerName) Then
Set GetFeatureLayer = ipLayer
Exit Function
End If
End If
Set ipLayer = ipEnumLayer.Next
Set GetFeatureLayer = Nothing
Exit Function
Set GetFeatureLayer = Nothing
End Function
▣ Table(FeatureClass)에 필드를 추가하는 함수
[code vb]
'+++ Add Field
Private Function AddField(ipTable As ITable, fieldName As String, fieldType As esriFieldType, _
Optional fieldLength As Long, Optional fieldAlias As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrHand
If Len(Trim(fieldName)) = 0 Then Exit Function
Dim lPrecision As Long, lScale As Long
Select Case fieldType
Case esriFieldTypeString
If IsMissing(fieldLength) Then fieldLength = 50
Case esriFieldTypeSmallInteger
If IsMissing(fieldLength) Then fieldLength = 4
lPrecision = 4
Case esriFieldTypeInteger
If IsMissing(fieldLength) Then fieldLength = 9
lPrecision = 9
Case esriFieldTypeSingle
If IsMissing(fieldLength) Then fieldLength = 19
lPrecision = 19
lScale = 8
Case esriFieldTypeDouble
If IsMissing(fieldLength) Then fieldLength = 38
lPrecision = 38
lScale = 8
Case esriFieldTypeDate
If IsMissing(fieldLength) Then fieldLength = 8
End Select
Dim ipField As IField
Dim ipFieldEdit As IFieldEdit
'필드가 없으면 추가
If ipTable.FindField(fieldName) = -1 Then
Set ipField = New Field
Set ipFieldEdit = ipField
With ipFieldEdit
.Editable = True
.IsNullable = True
.Name = fieldName
.Type = fieldType
.Length = fieldLength
If Not IsMissing(lPrecision) Then .precision = lPrecision
If Not IsMissing(lScale) Then .Scale = lScale
If Len(Trim(fieldAlias)) > 0 Then .AliasName = fieldAlias
.IsNullable = True
End With
ipTable.AddField ipField
AddField = True
Set ipField = ipTable.Fields.Field(ipTable.FindField(fieldName))
If ipField.Editable Then
AddField = True
End If
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox "필드 추가 오류 : " & vbCrLf & Err.Description
AddField = False
End Function
'+++ Add Field
Private Function AddField(ipTable As ITable, fieldName As String, fieldType As esriFieldType, _
Optional fieldLength As Long, Optional fieldAlias As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrHand
If Len(Trim(fieldName)) = 0 Then Exit Function
Dim lPrecision As Long, lScale As Long
Select Case fieldType
Case esriFieldTypeString
If IsMissing(fieldLength) Then fieldLength = 50
Case esriFieldTypeSmallInteger
If IsMissing(fieldLength) Then fieldLength = 4
lPrecision = 4
Case esriFieldTypeInteger
If IsMissing(fieldLength) Then fieldLength = 9
lPrecision = 9
Case esriFieldTypeSingle
If IsMissing(fieldLength) Then fieldLength = 19
lPrecision = 19
lScale = 8
Case esriFieldTypeDouble
If IsMissing(fieldLength) Then fieldLength = 38
lPrecision = 38
lScale = 8
Case esriFieldTypeDate
If IsMissing(fieldLength) Then fieldLength = 8
End Select
Dim ipField As IField
Dim ipFieldEdit As IFieldEdit
'필드가 없으면 추가
If ipTable.FindField(fieldName) = -1 Then
Set ipField = New Field
Set ipFieldEdit = ipField
With ipFieldEdit
.Editable = True
.IsNullable = True
.Name = fieldName
.Type = fieldType
.Length = fieldLength
If Not IsMissing(lPrecision) Then .precision = lPrecision
If Not IsMissing(lScale) Then .Scale = lScale
If Len(Trim(fieldAlias)) > 0 Then .AliasName = fieldAlias
.IsNullable = True
End With
ipTable.AddField ipField
AddField = True
Set ipField = ipTable.Fields.Field(ipTable.FindField(fieldName))
If ipField.Editable Then
AddField = True
End If
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox "필드 추가 오류 : " & vbCrLf & Err.Description
AddField = False
End Function
▣ 전체 소스코드
▣ 계산결과 예시

질문이 있어서 그러는데요.. 산구분에 보면 1번의 경우 "일반" 지번이 되고 2번일 경우 "산"지번이 되는데....8번이나 9번은 무슨의미를 가지고 있는지 궁금합니다.
답글삭제1 일반번지
2 산번지 산
3 가지번 가
4 가지번(부번세분) 가
5 블럭지번 BL
6 블럭지번(롯트세분) BL
7 블럭지번(지구) 지구 BL
8 블럭지번(지구-롯트) 지구 BL
9 기타지번